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Home Buying Services
MLS Access
The MLS is the most powerful tool in the real estate industry. It connects you to the most potential buyers & sellers. It also has the most data about current listings & past sales. Using the MLS will greatly increase the chance of finding the best possible home.
Market Analysis
Knowing what to offer for a home is one of the most important aspects of the buying process. The best & most reliable way to determine the value of a home is to look at recent sales of similar nearby homes. It is also important to take into account unique aspects of the home which could possibly add or subtract value.
Negotiating is one of the most challenging aspects of the home buying process because it involves people’s emotions. This means negotiations are on going even after the contract has been signed all the way up to closing & even after. Having an intermediary allows you step back and have someone impartial manage negotiations.
Contracts & Paperwork
In this day & age there is more paperwork then ever but luckily technology makes the process a lot easier. You can review & sign documents from anywhere. Also coordinating with buyers, lenders, and escrow is important make sure the home selling process goes smoothly.
Industry Connections
Buying or selling a home usually requires more then just a real estate agent. Lenders, escrow officers, photographers, staging companies, etc. can all play significant roles in the process. Connections throughout the industry means you’ll never have to worry about scrambling to find a decent option.
Local Knowledge
Southern California is a vibrant area with many unique communities & trends. Having knowledge of local ares can provide huge benefits in the home buying & selling process. Whether the home is on the coast or up in the hills it important the understand the differences and how they affect value.